Friday, November 16, 2007

Let's get started!

Welcome to my new blog about food - primarily about restaurants in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles - but, really, anything about food at all. I started thinking about this yesterday as I was driving somewhere with my wife, and all these ideas kept popping into my head. Now I just need to put them down on "paper."

The impetus for this is the fact that I am eating out for lunch on my own a lot more - my wife has some health problems, so she is not accompanying me, which has freed me up to try a lot of restaurants she had no interest in. Nothing fancy - just all the small places I have driven by over the years, and wanted to check out. I'll try to give you some sense of the place, of the one or two dishes I have tried, and of other food topics that they make me think of.

Right now, I am going to put down some thoughts offline, trying to capture that stream of consciousness I had in the car yesterday. I don't expect anyone to find this now - but if you do, come back later for some real content!

Dan Kronstadt

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